Sunday, May 20, 2012

Post Michelle Bridges finale.

Woow what an amazing inspirational night Saturday night was.

How fantastic it was to spend a weekend away with some amazing friends, some that I had only met for the first time that night but chatted with them via cyber land.

To see so many people who have really changed their lives, bodies and fitness.  It has so made me want to finish what I started.

I have so much I want to write but will come back and update later on today.

Meeting Margie was certainly one of the big highlights of the night.  I had cheered Margie on from Day 1 on Biggest Loser.  What a bloody inspiration she is and so friendly.  I wonder if she has a saw jaw from all the photo posing with everyone from the 12WBT?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2nd May, 2012 and end of Round 1 of Michelle Bridges 12wbt

I haven't posted for a long time.  Some things happened and I wondered at the time if people didn't find what I posted useful and I just kind of felt I was a tad boring.

However, I missed my blog!  It had been my diary since I started my weight loss journey on the 1st May 2010.

So here I am back and hoping I don't bore the everyone.  I have managed to get through this round with minor injuries and some struggles of getting organised around work and family commitments and family sickness.

However,  I have stayed strong and just kept going to gym, counting my calories and falling off and back on the wagon.

I have signed up again for one more round.  Yes, I know I said last round was going to be my last. But something just clicked about 2 weeks ago.  I don't think I could get my mind set right and was looking for excuses such as!.  "Oh I'm so bored with this program, same videos, same blah blah blah!" They were really all excuses.  I don't think I was in the right mind set to really want to lose the weight!....... I had been looking for something that would click me back into the steely mindset that I had way back in 2010.

Well it wasn't going to just jump out at me.  I had to go back and find her!

My life IS different now.  I am working mum now as well as the mum who wants to lose weight.

I looked back at all my reasons in the beginning.... You know the old saying.  If you can't work out why something isn't working.  Go back to the beginning and start again!

So I did... I went back to see what made me want to lose weight.  The main thing was "I was sick of saying I am gunna do it!",  Well that was it, that is what I needed to shake this bull shit out of my head.

So the two things that I need to remind myself are:-

1: I do really want to lose weight
2: I am sick of gunna do it - I am going to do it.

I have also decided to not set my weight loss goals so high.  I have come to realise that round 1 or any ones first round is always, going to be a good one.  We are all pumped and ready to go.  Things slow down as you get closer to your goal weight.  Maybe my goal weight is not achievable now that I am nearly 43 years old.  So now my goal is to be in the low 60's and just take it from there.

Things like goal weights can always be changed as I get closer.  But I need to stop the shit and that is what I am going to do today.  Stop the BS and break through this 75kgs. Stop loosing a little, gaining a bit and loosing it all again.

Today it starts here!